Middles - battle, muddle
*Post the ritual that you are going to talk about.
Hetus is more powerful than Zeus. Hetus can't beat Zeus. Kronos ate all the children except Zeus was hidden away.
Zeus- How am I going to prevent my children from over powering me?
End rebellion, he did not push the children back in the mother, didn't eat the children, but ate the mother. (Metis the mother Godess of wisdom and deep thought).
Book of revelation- end of times three horseman of apocalypse one will be riding a white horse and it will be death.
All the great stories are family stories.
Blood crime- killing someone who is in your bloodline.
The furies- (Google them) disgusting women story of the middle, last part of the story erinyes or the kind ones. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erinyes
*chthonic- of related to the underworld
Aphrodite born of sea foam, the furies born from the foam.
Origin of trial by jury? Ans. Orestes
Model of mythology- precedent behind every action
*archtype- the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based ;a model or first form; prototype
Senator- Senex > the wise man > often found as the impotent old man
Origin of the west legal system? Based upon the story Orestes, Athena voted for Orestes.
Peitho- goddess who personifies persuasion
*Make blog entry on your understanding of ritual
-Homer...Illiade and Ulysses Leopold Bloom.... anything but ordinary, but he's a hero.Wrote Ulysses with this in mind we are all heroes, things you do in everyday life are heroic. There's something mythological and heroic in everybody's life.
-Ground hog day- about myth of eternal return whoever wrote this movie knows his mythology and religion.
The ordinary is extraordinary.
-Ulysses ch. 13 Sirens....women that sing and make men jump over the boat....they are there, but it's not obvious.
-Obsessive compulsive disorder- everything has to be done exactly this way. You have have obsessive thinking to really be considered obsessive.
-Blessed are those that have performed this ritual, then you are a member of the elect.
temenos- holy precinct, that has been cut off and assigned as an official domain
Elusinian Mysteries- of all the myesteries celebrated in ancient times , these were held to be the ones of greatest importance. Mycenean period. The decent, search, and accent. Rituals are done for the coming back of persephone. Story of how Persephone got taken into the underworld by Hades.
Rain, conceive
Persephone also known as Kore- the secret between mother and daughter, only someone wise can really understand the relationship.
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