Wednesday, September 14, 2011

4th class

"The power of the abstract begins as a rejection of that epic encyclopedism where every element, whether it be a comment on the power of the gods or instructions on how to fix the axles to a cart, has the same importance, the same impact on the mosaic surface of the narrative."(Calasso 153)

Etiology- explanation of how something came to be.

Mythology- system of total explanation.

People do things the way we do them because, that's the way it was done in the beginning and why people do the same thing. That's what was taught.

Went over what we need to know for the test:
1200 BCE Homeric-Iliad and The Odyssey
                  Hesiod-Gods and Godesses and how they became that way.
                  Homeric Hymns
                  Classic Dramas-Euripides, Aesclulous, and Sophocles
                  Trojan War-Big deal with the Greeks
                  Exodus-Big deal for Hebrews

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