Thursday, October 13, 2011

notes 10/13

  • Unusual ritual >Carpe Diem rituals> go into natural places and do what comes natural
  • Bear rituals....bears would be cut up and given to the bear. Had to kill the thing that was provided for you.
  • Shirley Jackson, The lottery (sacrificial ritual)
  • Delphic oracle > calasso ch. 6 > three leg stool
  • Sacred rituals > agricultural prosperity
  • Deus ex machina- "God out of the machine" problem suddenly solved with contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object
  • Ritual- set of actions, performed mainly for symbolic value
  • when you make decisions, you are really a puppet on strings...
  • myth and ritual are components of religious practice
  • precision and repetition are part of rituals
  • Calasso pg. 39, 163-164
  • Jeffery Eugenides- middle sex, the marriage plot
  • When you purify/go to confession and rid your sins, you put your sins on something else.
  •  cere in ceremony is talking about Demeter the goddess of harvest...when you eat cereal in the morning you are doing a morning ritual.
  •  sac in sacred means to make sacred
  • homeopothy > effigy> representation of a person ex. voo doo dolls
  • God priapus > God of procreation > origin of maple > rejoicing return of summer
  • pg. 260 Calasso, The initiation

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