Tuesday, October 4, 2011

notes 10/4/11

  • For notes look at Theresa's, Lauren's, and Juniper's blog
Need to know for the test:
From Eliade book (Primitive to Zen):
  • Hanieuwelle
  • Apollo 
  • Earth mother of all
  • Enumelish
  • Hesiod's theogony

  • pg. 5- the basket
  • pg. 15- etiology- Why do men have slim hips?
  • pg. 39- goats
  • pg. 81- etiology- Who has more fun making love?
  • pg. 94- ate- know what it means
  • pg. 383- definition of myth
  • pg. 52- look at Megan's blog- rape
  • pg. 176- Calasso telling how it all came about. Who was Peolops?
Multiple Choice:

  • Which of these four things is the mother of the muses? Mnemosye 
  • What was Persephone doing when she was abducted by Hades? Picking a narcissus flower
  • Suggestion that we are all prisoners attached to a wall, refers to what myth? Allegory of the cave, Plato
  • Question about what happiness brings about regarding ate.
  • Who was always described as deceitful, beautiful, and thought to be a phantom? Helen
  • Who was Europe named after? Europa
  • Who arrives unexpected and possess? Dionysus
  • What is the mythological root of enthusiasm? En-theos meaning God possessed
  • Who says,"One more time Athena, love me as much as you can"? Oedisius
  • Abduction is always followed by what? Metamorphosis
  • Which Goddess was born from Erono's dismembered body? Aphrodite also known as Goddess of Love
  • Who was the mother of the Minotaur? Pasiphae
  • What word means the tearing of flesh? Sparagmos 
  • The great desire to arrive where he started. Ans- Return to the beginning
  • Define Anamnesis. Ans- Recollection- forgotten anything of importance, the teacher reminds us
  • What does the word 'apocalypse' mean? Removal of the veil
  • What does 'Eschatology' mean? Study of the end of time
  • What in the Greek mythology was housed in the labyrinth? Minotaur
  • Who was the destroyer of delights? Death
  • Zeus came in many forms: Io, form of cloud, Europa, form of bull, Leda, form of swan, Danae, form of gold, Semele, everyday mortal(shows his real self)

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